Salon Conversation (virtual): Understanding Emotions
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Salon Conversation (virtual): Understanding Emotions

March 9, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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Join our group conversation where we’ll have an insightful conversation exploring the theme of emotions.

Are you interested in participating in thought-provoking, interactive conversations all while making new friends and building our community? If so, Mindful Modern Living invites you to join our Salon Conversations where we’ll have insightful and intriguing conversations and the occasional debate.

The first salons can be traced to the early 17th century, when Parisian women gathered to discuss social, political, artistic, and literary topics. Salon gatherings offer space for genuine exploration, the co-mingling of ideas, and the development of new thinking.

Salons foster an environment where critical thinking, reflection, and participation come alive.

During this week’s live-stream Wednesday Night Salon Conversation, we’ll explore and discuss what emotions are, experiencing emotions, and managing emotions.

*Zoom link will be emailed 10-minutes before class.

Mindful Modern Living is a community of unique voices and strives to remain inclusive, inviting, and safe for those who wish to discuss and/or debate topics. No matter what, our discourse will always remain respectful. Regardless of point of view, mean-spirited agitation or intentionally hurtful responses are a quick way to end further discussion and you’ll be asked to leave.